Dinner for…9?


I have done it once again.  Apparently I’m good at feeding the entire neighborhood.  We had three additional little boys over for dinner.  So.  Much.  Fun!  I really, truly mean it.  I love my house being filled with the laughter of children.  We had the sounds of the piano, the keyboard, Little Man’s trombone, the Wii, Legos, Bratz and Barbies and lots of tromping and running up and down stairs.  What a blast!

My dream has always been to be a neighborhood mom, and when we moved into this neighborhood, I felt that I wanted it even more than ever.  I wasn’t sure how it would work with my kids being homeschooled and all.  Since my kids aren’t attending the local grade school, it makes it a bit difficult to create some of those associations.  I’m glad for my kids, though, to be able to make friends with other kids in the neighborhood.

The last thing hubby and I wanted, when embarking on this homeschooling journey, was to isolate them specifically to the homeschooling community.  We wanted them to have broad relationships with people from all walks of life.  Having taken on the role of urban missionaries, this is even more vital.

So, when all is said and done, tonight was a great time!  I am looking forward to more days like today.  Even if it means feeding the whole neighborhood.

About urbanhippiechick

I'm a mixed bag, take me or leave me. I'm a stay at home mommy and I homeschool my three kids. I'm not afraid to speak my mind. I love the idea of living simplistically, yet I can't live without my electronic gadgets. What can I say? I'm a Gemini :)

6 responses »

  1. I always laugh when I hear the old myth that homeschoolers are unsocialized. Especially after last night when I stepped outside I couldn’t “see” my kids because they were too busy running around with all the other neighborhood kids but I could “HEAR” them loud and clear laughing and yelling and playing.

    • I know, there are a lit of flame wars fought over that very topic. But I do know that the kind of neighborhood we’re in the kids can be pretty exclusive, and I’ve known homeschoolers who are pretty exclusive as well. It has been a fear of mine that my kids won’t make friends, since I didn’t make friends easily myself. But there I go projecting, lol. My kids are pretty content with their friends, I think 🙂

      • I think it’s a common fear of most parents that their kids won’t make friends easily. We also have to step back and remember that just because one child has a huge circle of friends because that’s what they crave,the other child may only need one or two close friends.to be fulfilled.

        And I don’t know you and I may friends WAY easily.

      • Yes, we made friends quite easily 🙂 I have outgrown a lot of that, especially as my confidence has grown. As far as the socialization question is concerned, yeah, I know 😉 I just gotta step back and let them develop at their own paces.

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